Introduction to fashion


I always say fashion is another way in which you express yourself and style.

Fashion is not always by dressing alone, your body is fashion, all about you is fashion.
According to Fashion is the form of clothing accessories, and furniture. It can be used by everyone. It is also related to culture.
Following fashion styles in order to be trendy and to look different and stylish in front of others by wearing different types of cloths and accessories. Fashion can be viewed in peoples style of look and personality with clothing and hairstyles, styles of living and behaving along with the area of personal interest.
Today's youth are totally influenced by new fashion trends.

Fashion brings an interesting twist in our boring life which makes us with a feeling of confident and up to date according to this changing environment. Youth generation totally affect the glamuorous world if fashion.
Their dressing style, hairstyles, accessories, language, lifestyles and personality all shows that how much they are influenced by fashion.
Fashion now has changed its definition it is not only limited to clothing and accessories but has forwarded steps ahead in peoples life.
Firstly your home, where you live are now designed according to the new trend of fashion with all the luxurious things inside.
Going to the gym for fitness is now also the mark and need for fashion.
Kids are also influencers in the fashion world. Their toys, books, dresses, activities are now completely changed according to fashion.
There are also good and bad effects of fashion on us, but I won't be talking about that today.
For young age people, who are much affected and influenced by new fashion, it gives harmful effects too. Girls have to face some crucial crime due to their unfit dressing style which does not suit the location.
Being trendy and fashionable is only your own wish, nobody can force you to do it and it is your own decision that how much and what type of fashion you are preferring according to place and requirements.

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